Get Ready! You're Going to See the World Upside Down While Standing on Your Hands with Confidence
At the end of your yoga class, which one is you? Are you one of those rock-stars standing on their hands? Or are you one of those sitting on their mat, enviously watching them fit yogis perform the perfect handstand, toes pointing to the sky in perfect balance? Do you constantly feel less capable than the other students in your yoga class? Feeling clumsy... and gawky? Let me tell you a small secret - it doesn’t have to be this way! You, too, can belong to those talented yogis easily standing on their hands! It doesn’t matter what your shape is, it doesn’t matter what your age is. This Quest is designed to make you a top dog! Within just 6 weeks, you will learn all the core techniques of the handstand. You will be able to see the world upside down while standing on your hands with confidence. Let Jen Esquer, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Handstand Master, teach you all of her most hidden secrets! Let others sit on their mats while you are nailing it! This is your time! Join this Quest now and do a handstand better than your yoga teacher!

Quest Curriculum
- 6 Levels
- Coaching By Jen
- Community Support
Level 01 Getting Started!
The first week of the Quest is all about building a strong foundation for your handstand practice - physically and mentally. A solid handstand requires a strong body and mind! During this week you will learn about the importance of stretching, gain stability, strengthen your body and learn how to trust your instincts. The first week will teach you everything you need to know to get started!
Level 02 Gaining Confidence
During week 2 you will expand your set of skills and move further towards your goal. You will add stretching to your daily routine, continue to strengthen your core and entire body, and start gaining the confidence you need to turn your world upside down. By the end of the second week you’ll be ready to start practicing your handstand!
Level 03 Goodbye, Ground!
Week 3 of the Quest will bring you much closer to the desired handstand. Your feet will finally say goodbye to the ground, and you’ll be able to perform a handstand with the help of a wall. You will become more confident, and enjoy a much stronger body and mind.
Level 04 Mastering the Art of Falling Down
Week 4 will take your practice to the next level. You will learn the art of falling down, overcome old fears, and gain more stability and control over your body while performing a handstand. Week 4 is all about becoming fearless!
Level 05 Almost There!
The 5th week of the Quest will deepen your practice and teach you how to keep a steady handstand. You’ll learn how to perform Donkey Kicks, continue to strengthen and lengthen your muscles, and get super-close to your final goal!
Level 06 Hello, Handstand!
Finally, on week 6 of the Quest, you’ll be ready to stand on your hands independently! You will take everything you’ve learned and bring it together to perform a full, solid handstand. By the end of the 6th week, you’ll be kicking ass in an upside down world!
Quest Preview
Mission 10: Kick It
Mission 23: Hello, Handstand!
Success Stories
Paula R. Strength and Confidence
"I never thought I’d be able to hold a steady handstand! Thanks to Jen and her amazing Quest I gained the strength and the confidence to perform a perfect handstand."
Lia M. I Feel Like a Real Pro
"When I first started the Quest I wasn’t able to hold a handstand without the help of a wall. Now I feel like a real pro!"
Dan B. Fun and Simple
"It was a wonderful experience. The process was super fun and simple, and I could really feel like I’m making a progress each and every day. Thank you Jen!"