Path of the Guardian

Essential Law Enforcement Training


Daigle Law Group (DLG) and its Consultants have developed this video program to help protect law enforcement officers, “the Guardians,” by developing The Guardian Mindset™. The videos are 8-10 minutes long, and focus on important policy and police practice issues developing across the country. The videos focus on Supreme Court updates, police practice issues, important court rulings, high liability issues, Department of Justice investigations, and accreditation standards. The videos are provided to the department to be distributed on Wednesday of each week for a total of 52 videos a year. It is clear that the past few years have been challenging for law enforcement, specifically with multiple high profile litigation and deadly force incidents. In addition, the Department has been scrutinizing many police departments and other outside entities. We know these challenges will not stop, but only get worse unless we address the real issues officers face each day. We understand that it is not possible for officers to read and memorize each and every policy in their policy manual. It is also not possible for officers to research and read every report or white paper that is released on how to do the job correctly. That is why we at DLG are here to help. The purpose and intent of this weekly video training program is to give officers the tools to successfully perform their duties in short segments that are easily digested and understood. Our videos provide a brief overview of subjects to enhance your understanding of industry standards and proper police practices that must be followed. We believe that “Knowledge is Power,” and with your busy schedule we must find the most efficient and focused way to bring to you that knowledge or, as we say, “Develop the Guardian Mindset™.”

  • 3 Levels
  • Coaching By Eric
  • Community Support

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